As a patient in the Queen's Family Health Team (QFHT) academic clinic, your care will be delivered by our skilled interprofessional health-care team.
Your primary health-care provider is your family physician, who works closely with our resident physicians (residents). Residents are medical doctors who must complete two years of family medicine residency before they become independent practitioners in family medicine. Medical residents provide care to patients under the direction and supervision of your family doctor. Our medical residents, who join the team each July, bring a fresh perspective, keeping us at the forefront with the latest medical information and technologies.
In addition to our faculty physicians and resident physicians, the QFHT includes nurse practitioners, registered nurses, registered practical nurses, social workers, dietitians, a pharmacist, and other support staff who work together to provide primary health care. As part of our affiliation with Queen’s University and St. Lawrence College, we are an Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care-funded training site for students in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dietetics, and clerical/administration. Together, we ensure our patients receive the care they need, and connect them with our health-care partners/agencies.
New programs and services are developed and introduced to address patient needs. Visit our Programs and Services page for more information. Patients may also be referred to programs offered through our collaboration with community partners.
For a list of Queen's Family Health Team family physicians and nurse practitioners, and reception contact information, click QFHT Physician Contact List.
Read more about us here.
We welcome your feedback on how best to support your health and well-being. Email us at
To you in good health.
Dr. Jennifer Tranmer
Lead Physician