- Large program, small-program feel
- Block-based with horizontals
- Urban/rural mix
- Bootcamp with SIM
- POCUS, procedures
- Resident wellness
- Focus on practice management
- Graduate with confidence
Our Kingston-1000 Islands (KTI) program is based in the city of Kingston, Ontario. Home to Queen's University, this is the largest of our four-site programs.
The KTI site offers a traditional rotation-based residency training program with many horizontal training components. The KTI site program is based around core family medicine rotations, complemented by rotations in internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, psychiatry, emergency medicine, and palliative care. In your first year, your core family medicine will take place at the Queen’s Family Health Team (QFHT), located in historic downtown Kingston. The QFHT serves an extremely diverse patient population and serves as a leading example of team-based primary care. In your second year, you will complete most of your family medicine rotations at community teaching practices throughout the region as you develop your independence as a physician.
The remainder of your residency will comprise rotations in other specialties and experiences related to family medicine. These rotations may be based at any of Kingston's three hospitals or in other communities in the region. These hospital departments offer a modified program for our residents, and the preceptors are enthusiastic about family medicine learners. You will also have the opportunity to work with students from Queen’s School of Medicine and other schools within Queen’s Health Sciences during your placements.
Your first year will kick off with four weeks of boot camp – an experience designed to introduce you to your home clinic and to give you the opportunity to participate in innovative simulation courses (e.g., NRP, ALARM, Nightmares FM, procedures) to build your skills and confidence for your subsequent rotations. You will then complete your core family medicine blocks in your home team clinic within the Queen's Family Health Team in downtown Kingston. Residents spend six blocks of their first year at QFHT in three two-block rotations, returning to the same clinic, patients, and preceptors. This maximizes continuity of care and allows residents to gradually increase their patient care and practice-management responsibilities over time – a definite strength of our program. Residents return to their home team at QFHT in PGY2 for one block as a senior FM resident, providing many opportunities for leadership, mentorship, and teaching of junior learners.
During your core family medicine rotations at QFHT, you will work for one morning a week at a local long-term-care facility, Providence Manor, caring for a group of patients during the first year. You will also complete half-day or weekly "horizontal" placements in behavioural medicine, mental health, and other special-focus clinics (e.g., minor procedures, street health, chronic pain, sleep disorders, etc.). You will have one professional half-day (PHD) per week that is resident-directed. You may use your PHDs to see patients as needed; catch up on charting/inbox; work on your resident portfolio, educational modules, practice improvement project, research project, or leadership or teaching skills; attend to personal appointments; or participate in wellness activities. Your family medicine experience will also include a core teaching seminar series, journal club, monthly grand rounds and resident rounds, and bi-weekly resident-led peer-support rounds. You will also complete various blocks of specialty rotations (e.g., internal medicine, pediatrics, emergency medicine, etc.) and a four-week elective when you are off-service from your core family medicine blocks during first year.
During your second year as a KTI resident, you will complete three blocks of community family medicine in one of our many southeastern Ontario communities or with one of our Kingston community practices. You will also complete a two-block "rural" family medicine rotation in a smaller or isolated community such as Picton, Brockville, Bowmanville, Napanee, Moose Factory (an isolated community in Northern Ontario), other small communities in Eastern Ontario, or the Falkland Islands (by special arrangement). These placements may be combined. You will also complete the remainder of your specialty rotations (subspecialty internal medicine or surgery and others) and eight weeks of electives during your second year.
Your rotation locations will be based on personal preference and availability. However, please note that your obstetrics and gynecology rotation and rural/remote family medicine rotation will be outside of Kingston. There are also opportunities to spend extended periods of time in the same smaller community if you desire. Accommodation and travel stipends are provided for rotations outside of Kingston.
Trainees must be able to provide their own transportation to and from their training sites as well as to and from work. Possession of a vehicle, while not required, allows you to make full use of community-based learning opportunities. Our program will provide funding for exceptional travel expenses as required.
Our DND Military stream is similar to our regular family medicine residency stream, with extra relevant exposure to rotations in trauma and military psychiatry.
Our PHPM stream is similar to our regular family medicine residency stream, with extra exposure to public health and infectious diseases, as well as weekly public health academic half-days.