Drs. David Barber, Michael Green, and Catherine Donnelly (OT) are co-investigators on a $1.4-million project titled Determining the Impact of a Physiotherapist-Led Primary Care Model for Low Back Pain - A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.
The four-year, CIHR-funded project will involve 1,560 patients with low back pain of any duration from 20 primary care practices in rural and urban settings in Ontario. (Total funding $1,403,776.)
Dr. Michael Green is a co-principal investigator on a $592,876 project titled The CUP Study: Comparative Analysis of Centralized Waitlist Effectiveness, Policies, and Innovations for Connecting Unattached Patients to Primary Care Providers.
This three-year project will use Centralized Waiting List (CWL) data linked to administrative data in provinces with diverse approaches to CWLs to determine their comparative effectiveness in attaching patients to primary-health providers across Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia.
Dr. Green is also a co-investigator on a $200,000 project titled Evaluation of Health Links in the South East Local Health Integration Network.
This two-year project (funded for $99,953 each year), will study: 1) the impact of co-ordinated care plans (CCPs) on enrolled patients compared to a control group with respect to health care utilization and costs and 2) the underlying causal factors of co-ordinated care plan benefits and costs, through investigation of the lived experience of decision-makers, CCP managers, health-care providers, patients, and their families.